, Diffinitiones Capituli generalis omni anno ab omnibus uniformiter habeantur, sicut fuerint ab originali Diffinitorum transcriptae (Statuta, pp.31-39

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, Quoniam aliqui abbates dicuntur minus esse solliciti quam deberent definitiones Capituli generalis secum deferre ad domos proprias, districte praecipitur, ut singuli abbates ad Capitulum venientes definitiones generales habere satagant, in redditu suo in capitulis recitandis. Visitatores vero, tempore visitationis suae, definitiones illius anni sibi exigant praesentari. Illis autem abbatibus qui, illo anno, non venerint ad Capitulum, patres abbates per se vel per visitatores definitiones illas faciant exhiberi, pp.390-391

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, #38; the mentioned abbey of Reigny is located south of Auxerre, Twelfth-Century Statutes, p.714

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, Twelfth-Century Statutes, p.169

, Twelfth-Century Statutes, pp.23-25

, Romorantin: Sandachar, 1892), p. 39, 124), and the abbess of Voisins defended her Cistercian identity during the same period, Two nunneries (Voisins and Lieu-Notre-Dame-lès-Romorantin) were to be placed under the jurisdiction of the Orléans bishop (Statuta, vol.1252, pp.126-129, 2012.

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