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URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01656689

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, Narrative Voice and the Making of the Self: A Study of Janet Frame's The Lagoon and Other Stories, Textes et Genres, vol.5, pp.47-60, 2011.

, Secrets in The Lagoon and Other Stories, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, vol.33, issue.2, pp.87-97, 2011.

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I. Richards, Closure and Happy Endings in Janet Frame's The Lagoon and Other Stories Miranda, vol.8, 2008.

P. Tibi and . La-nouvelle, Essai de compréhension d'un genre. » In Aspects de la nouvelle, pp.7-67, 1988.

M. Torgovnick, Closure in the Novel, 1981.

A. Weiss, The Form and Function of the Modern Fable in Janet Frame's Short Stories, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, vol.33, issue.2, pp.43-55, 2011.

M. Williams, Tending the ovens': Janet Frame's Politics of Language, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, vol.33, issue.2, pp.66-77, 2011.

J. Wilson, The Lagoon and Other Stories: Storytelling, Metafiction and the Framean Text, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, vol.33, issue.2, pp.124-136, 2011.

W. Rhodes and H. , Janet Frame: A Way of Seeing in The Lagoon and Other Stories, Critical Essays on the New Zealand Short Story. Ed. Cherry Hankin. Auckland : Heinemann, pp.112-131, 1982.

, See for instance Reid (59) and Tibi (15)

S. Reid, There has been a growing tendency during the present century for short stories to be 'all middle', to avoid structural complications in general and terminal climaxes in particular, vol.63

S. Lorre, , p.93, 2011.

, This emphasis on a suspensive state may be announced in a title like, Child

, My novels are not novels. I wanted to call them explorations

, A Note on the Russian War

, Mark Williams makes a similar point about Frame's "politics": "The 'politics' of her fiction do not cohere into a singular position

, I am using the world "closure" in Herrnstein Smith's restrictive sense, excluding anti-closural endings that are in fact open ones

, the ending of a novel clearly recalls the beginning in language, in situation, in the groupings of characters, or in several of these ways, circularity may be said to control the ending

, For a postcolonial reading of this story, see Lorre, pp.255-257, 2007.

, Frame] focuses on the false virtue of religious people who claim to have a deeper understanding of the human soul than others, but who side with mockery when it comes to social bonding, y ending the story on Mrs Michael's words

, Emphasis mine. Also, as Claire Bazin reminds us, "they" is Benveniste's "non-person, 201114.

, par la fin' signifie ouvrir la narration sur le dénouement de l'histoire racontée, pour reprendre ensuite le fil chronologique des événements en remontant au début

, Vanessa Guignery identifies this as "a recurring device in Frame's fiction": "building up a world or a story with recognizable components such as characters, place and action

, Closure and Happy Endings in Janet Frame's The Lagoon and Other Stories Miranda, vol.8, 2013.