, Quant à l'interprétation de la lettre, je me suis déjà expliqué ailleurs sur ce point

, Une fois publié, un texte est comme un appareil dont chacun peut se servir à sa guise et selon ses moyens : il n'est pas sûr que le constructeur en use mieux qu, mais on n'y insistera jamais assez : il n'y a pas de vrai sens d'un texte

, Nabokov's use of "; and" also explains the second axis of influence -inspiration leading to exploration. Indeed, while Nabokov appropriates and puts Flaubert's device to use, he does not use it exactly in the same way as described in his class on Madame Bovary. Nabokov's "; and" device fits his general style, characterized by more excess and flights of fancy than Flaubert's. His imaginative drive leads Nabokov to deviate from the device's original purpose and effectively create a new device

, Following the two axes of influence, Nabokov, according to a complex process of continuity and deviation, both highlights his own vision of Flaubert, revealing unknown aspects of the precursor, and establishes his own "exemplary originality" by enacting his "stylistic individuality". Works cited ALEXANDROV, Vladimir E. (edited by). The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov, p.405, 1995.

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