, And in his 1889 essay on the Renaissance theologian Giordano Bruno, described as a "comely" and rebellious monk, Pater devoted as much attention to his heretical pantheistic conception of the world as to his privileging of the senses. This shows that throughout his career, his discourse on the homoerotic body, once and again attached to the figure of someone who is "a lover and a monk" 8 , kept its fascination for Pater, The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry, Macmillan's 1910 Library Edition, vol.1889, pp.1-29

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D. Donoghue, The Antinomian Pater: 1894-1994, Comparative Criticism, vol.17, pp.3-19, 1995.

L. Higgins, Doubting Pater: Religious Discourse and 'the Conditions of Modern Life, vol.38, pp.285-303, 1995.

B. A. Inman, Walter Pater and his Reading : A Bibliography of his Library Borrowings and Literary References 1858-73, 1981.