, The architectural evolution of the Cycladic agorai is, in spirit, very close to that of the other agorai in the greek world. indeed, with few exceptions, existing constructions are everywhere reused and modified in roman times. from the well-documented cities in greece and Asia minor, we can draw a picture of such a common development at such a similar rate that we are obliged to reconsider the so-called insular decline. given the example of Thera and its similarities with ephesus, we may wonder if Cycladic agorai follow the Asian pattern-where cities enjoyed an unprecedented rise and dynamism in the empire-rather than the roman one. so, to qualify these evolutions in the agorai of the Cyclades, i would refer to notions such as "adaptability" or "modernization" rather than to the concept of "romanization". To my mind, these two notions have the advantage of keeping alive the invincible qualities of greek autonomy, inventiveness and an ability to integrate. This adaptability may be stronger in an insular setting, since the islands had to manage by themselves, to find their own way of survival, The AgorA AT The Time of The forum: The exAmple of The CyClAdes in romAn imperiAl Times ed when comparing the agora only to the roman forum; and it cannot remain trapped by the sole concept of "romanization

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